Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Georgia all messed up on OS X

Update: I finally got around to writing a little HTML file in my local Apache sandbox (thanks for bundling that, Apple!) and I was wrong, it was Georgia that was messed up, not Trebuchet. Downloading the new FFIL file from the download page below, wiping the previous TTF file and restarting seems to have solved it. Yay! Now Salon.com and a lot of other sites look right again - it's a pretty popular font these days, and having the spacing all messed up was really annoying. It's also the default font on Blogger so I can go back to using the Compose feature instead of Edit HTML....

A while back I copied all my fonts over from my PC to my PowerBook, and I think I messed up my installation of the Trebuchet font somehow. I've gone through Font Book and removed all the duplicates, and I'm reasonable certain the Trebuchet I've got is the one that shipped with Tiger, but for some reason in Firefox (haven't checked against Safari etc) sites that use Trebuchet have really messed up spacing, for instance anchor tags, italic text, navigating in textareas etc is completely screwed up. I found an archive of Microsoft's old Web Fonts package on the Download Microsoft Core Fonts page so I'm going to try installing that version and see if it fixes the problem.

Well, it installed Trebuchet MS, and I think the "bad" font is just Trebuchet so I'm sure it's getting chosen when CSS specifies it without the MS part, so I'm going to try removing Trebuchet and see what happens. I have a feeling other things that depend on it without the MS part will get messed up *sigh*

Font Book reports the only Trebuchet installed now is the MS Core Font version in my home directory, but it didn't seem to help. I moved these out of the system wide /Library/Fonts:

-rwxr--r-- 1 skye skye 134108 Aug 4 2004 trebuc.ttf*
-rwxr--r-- 1 skye skye 131188 Aug 4 2004 trebucbi.ttf*
-rwxr--r-- 1 skye skye 139288 Aug 4 2004 trebucit.ttf*

Maybe someone can comment on if those file sizes and dates match for your Tiger install. Quite annoying, considering how popular Treb is these days.

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